Corporate sustainability, the obstacles to developing startups and the importance of creating a product that meets the needs of the public were some of the themes debated yesterday in the second webinar of the Value Management project. The online meeting was attended by three management and technology experts: Infravia CEO Aloisio Pereira, Rodrigo Ventura Founder, and Founder of Geekhunter, Tomás Ferrari.
Webinar mediated by Ânderson Silva gathered experts Aloisio Pereira, Rodrigo Ventura and Tomás Ferrari
Photo: Emerson Souza / Diário Catarinense
Text: By Gabriel Lima – Diário Catarinense
12/06/ 2018- 21:49 – Updated on 12/07/ 2018- 16:09
The CEO of Infravia, Aloisio Pereira, opened the event talking about the three steps to have a business: find a problem, develop an efficient solution and put together a business plan to sell the product. In his view, the preparation of the last factor is what can decide whether the company will be successful – which even includes the right time to enter the market.
– There are startups that create a fantastic product but can not get paid for it. So it is necessary to understand the business model and the maturation time so that the company starts to generate profit in the appropriate term. There are startups in which this process is accelerated, lasting from 3 to 5 years, but there are other cases where entrepreneurs need to be patient to know that it is not yet time to sell the company – analyzes.
Rodrigo Ventura, Founder of the School of Finance, follows the same line emphasizing the importance of demand so that the business is viable. One of its premises is that entrepreneurs must develop a product that is among the three biggest needs of their customers. And because the market is dynamic, it is necessary to adapt the planning when the public changes priorities.
– Almost all successful companies no longer have the business model they had at the beginning. They had the humility to listen to the client to change their purpose. The point is, in the startup sector, you have to have the speed to change the schedule in the right time, backing that decision into facts and figures to know the right time – he explains.
Geekhunter’s Founder, Tomás Ferrari, emphasized that the entrepreneur must have persistence in order not to give up during times of difficulty and before that there is a possibility to change the concept, solution or product that is in the market. The specialist also listed the two major obstacles to the development of startups.
– One of the points is the management of people, because there is a need to seek leadership to develop teams, so it is necessary to find someone with know-how and know that there is a high cost, if not lose the person to other companies. Another factor is bureaucracy. In an accelerated and competitive market, it does not make sense to have to deal with bureaucracies that add nothing to the business. You only waste time and resources – regrets.
Approaching the big players
The experts also answered a common question of entrepreneurs: How to connect with the big companies in the industry? Each of them had different insights, pointing to a direction that can facilitate that contact and increase sales.
For Rodrigo Ventura, the main point is to have professionalism, to know that he is no longer negotiating with “the cousin” or with small companies – an issue that implies changes that go from e-mail to clothing. In addition, the School of Finance’s Founder also warned that the entrepreneur should lessen the perception of risks, since large companies are afraid to buy and see their vendor break down a year later.
Tomás Ferrari emphasized the possibility of using clients as an anchor, prospecting medium clients and creating cases to present to the big ones. Thus, the perception of risk can diminish and the entrepreneur can create contact more quickly with the larger companies to seek insights and be able to sell to that market niche.
Aloisio Pereira used his experience with Infravia during this year to suggest that entrepreneurs are in the same environments as large companies to start a relationship. The idea is to create a face-to-face contact so that the representatives of this market receive a card and know who they are dealing with – in this case, that you are not just an automatic response or a machine.
Closing of the fourth edition of the project
The two webinars held this week marked the end of the cycle of activities of Value Management in 2018. The fourth edition of the project was inspired by the Inspirations that go beyond and with the purpose of valuing entrepreneurship in the DNA of Santa Catarina.
The highlight of the 2018 edition was the innovative action of creating a state competition to publicize the work carried out by companies from Santa Catarina. The dispute was won by Sizebay, startup of Joinville created in 2013 and that develops solutions for e-commerce. One of the main tools of the company is the Virtual Tester, which helps the consumer to buy clothing products in specialized websites.
The case of success was presented by Janderson Araujo, founder and CEO of the company, during the Value Management panel on October 31st. The meeting brought together the main names of the technology sector of Florianópolis and crowded the auditorium of the Sebrae. The evening was also held by panelists Guilherme Maba, IT Manager, and Julian Farrapeira, Senior People Business Partner, Free Market.
The project, an initiative of NSC Comunicação, was sponsored by Sebrae and Sistema Fecomércio and supported by the Regional Council of Engineering and Agronomy of SC.
Watch the two meetings in full here:
Day 1 –
Day 2 –