Do you know that plastic sea that scares anyone? It could become reality in a few years if initiatives such as the Green Building Council Brazil (GBC Brasil) combined with Infravias did not exist. The startup in Santa Catarina is now a member of the NGO that aims to promote the sustainable construction industry in Brazil.
The Infravia system organizes the energy, telecommunications, gas, water, sewage and urban drainage networks in underground ditches installed under public walkways and bicycle paths. The infrastructure networks are separated into panels made from construction waste and recycled plastic, following the concept of zero waste.
Installed at Sapiens Parque in Florianópolis, each meter of infrastructure of the Infravia system consumed 100 kilos of recycled plastic of urban waste, which would have as destination the sanitary landfill. This material was produced in the Agricultural Criminal Colony of Palhoça, in Greater Florianópolis, through a socio-environmental project.
In March 2018 Infravias signed a protocol of intent with CS BioEnergia to ensure the production of recycled plastic through the urban waste that will be used in the Infravia system. “With this partnership we are able to offer the Infravia system with the technical trench panels made with recycled plastic on a large scale; so the linkage to GBC Brasil is totally in tune with the values of Infravias, “commented the CEO of Infravias Aloisio Pereira da Silva. GBC Brasil has 800 associated companies.
Green Building Council Brazil (GBC Brasil)
GBC Brazil’s mission is to transform the civil construction industry and society’s culture towards sustainability, using market forces to build and operate buildings and communities in an integrated way. And, ensure the balance between economic development, socio-environmental impacts and use of natural resources, contributing to the improvement of the quality of life and well-being of present and future generations.
Rosália Dors Pessato